Below is the text of our Foster Agreement. You can copy this text and paste into an email or a word document, and then send it to us by email or postal service. Thank you.
Foster Care Agreement
Useless Bay Sanctuary and Foster Caregiver
This agreement made this ________ day of _________________, 20__ by and between
________________________________________ (hereinafter called "Foster Caregiver"), and
Useless Bay Sanctuary.
The Mission of Useless Bay Sanctuary is to help stray dogs that have no known owner. These may be dogs that were wandering loose and ultimately caught by UBS agents, or other dogs found by individuals who turned them over to us. Our goal is to find the owners of such dogs, if possible. If we cannot find the owners, we will place these dogs in new homes that have been screened for suitability. To accomplish our mission, UBS needs foster homes to care for these dogs until the owner or a new home can be found. Our standard is to search for an owner for 45 days before placing the dog in a new home.
In consideration of the premises and the covenants herein contained, it is agreed between UBS and Foster Caregiver as follows:
1. UBS delivers to Foster Caregiver and Foster Caregiver hereby accepts from UBS a certain animal described below and Foster Caregiver agrees to humanely take
care of said animal until the owner is found or a new adopting family is found. Foster Caregiver agrees that when a new home is found for the dog, Foster Caregiver will immediately, peaceably, and voluntarily deliver said animal to UBS upon request, and will make no claim of ownership, title, right, or interest in and to said animal. UBS does recognize that dogs in foster homes often become attached to their foster families. If an owner cannot be found for the dog, the Foster Caregiver can apply to adopt the dog, the same as anyone else, with special consideration given to the bond that has formed between the Foster Caregiver and the dog. However, fostering a dog does not guarantee that the Foster Caregiver will be allowed to adopt the dog.
Animal Name: _______________________________________
Male: ________ Neutered? Yes No
Female: ________ Spayed? Yes No
Description (color, special markings, etc.):
Microchip number: ____________
2. Foster Caregiver agrees to let UBS inspect Foster Caregiver's premises where the animal is being kept at any time to ascertain and satisfy itself or the animal's owner that the animal is well cared for. Foster Caregiver agrees to keep a collar and identification tag on the animal at all times.
3. Foster Caregiver agrees not to alter in any way the appearance of the animal being fostered without written permission of UBS. This includes declawing and cropping of ears or tails.
4. Foster Caregiver agrees to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and kind treatment for said animal at all times. In addition, Foster Caregiver must adhere to all state and local animal laws. Foster Caregiver agrees to follow all additional written instructions from the owner and/or UBS.
5. Foster Caregiver agrees to notify UBS as to any behavioral or health problems of the
animal. UBS reserves the exclusive right to determine the proper course of action to
take upon such notification.
6. Foster Caregiver will notify UBS in the event any change occurs in the address or
telephone number listed below. Foster Caregiver understands and acknowledges that he/she does not have any right or authority to keep the foster animal or place foster animal in other homes or place with other individuals unless permission is given in writing by UBS.
7. Foster Caregiver is undertaking these obligations with no claim, now or in the future, to any type of compensation or reimbursement for caring for said animal, and the further
consideration for undertaking this obligation and caring for said animal is that Foster
Caregiver is receiving satisfaction and enjoyment from undertaking this obligation of his or her own free will and because he or she wants to do so and derives satisfaction from doing so. Any medical care for the dog must be approved by UBS in advance, unless it is an emergency and UBS cannot be reached. Medical care approved by UBS will be reimbursed or paid for by UBS, unless the Foster Caregiver wishes to make a donation to cover those costs. In either case, UBS will want records and receipts for all medical procedures.
8. Foster Caregiver agrees that accidental animal bites or other injuries to humans and other animals do occur, and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify, and protect UBS, from any claim or suit filed by anyone as a result of such an incident. In addition, UBS will not be responsible if animal should damage or destroy property belonging to Foster
Caregiver, or shall transfer any disease or internal or external parasites to other animals
belonging to Foster Caregiver.
9. If the owner does not reclaim the animal, and Foster Caregiver wishes to adopt said animal, Foster Caregiver must go through the UBS adoption program screening process. UBS reserves the right to determine final disposition of the animal.
10. This Agreement is the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no oral promises or representations made in addition to this contract and it may only be changed in a writing signed by both UBS and Foster Caregiver.
__________________________ x__________________________
UBS Foster Caregiver
__________________________ x__________________________
UBS Representative
__________________________ __________________________
Address City, State, Zip Code
__________________________ _________________________
Phone Number Date
Foster Care Agreement
Useless Bay Sanctuary and Foster Caregiver
This agreement made this ________ day of _________________, 20__ by and between
________________________________________ (hereinafter called "Foster Caregiver"), and
Useless Bay Sanctuary.
The Mission of Useless Bay Sanctuary is to help stray dogs that have no known owner. These may be dogs that were wandering loose and ultimately caught by UBS agents, or other dogs found by individuals who turned them over to us. Our goal is to find the owners of such dogs, if possible. If we cannot find the owners, we will place these dogs in new homes that have been screened for suitability. To accomplish our mission, UBS needs foster homes to care for these dogs until the owner or a new home can be found. Our standard is to search for an owner for 45 days before placing the dog in a new home.
In consideration of the premises and the covenants herein contained, it is agreed between UBS and Foster Caregiver as follows:
1. UBS delivers to Foster Caregiver and Foster Caregiver hereby accepts from UBS a certain animal described below and Foster Caregiver agrees to humanely take
care of said animal until the owner is found or a new adopting family is found. Foster Caregiver agrees that when a new home is found for the dog, Foster Caregiver will immediately, peaceably, and voluntarily deliver said animal to UBS upon request, and will make no claim of ownership, title, right, or interest in and to said animal. UBS does recognize that dogs in foster homes often become attached to their foster families. If an owner cannot be found for the dog, the Foster Caregiver can apply to adopt the dog, the same as anyone else, with special consideration given to the bond that has formed between the Foster Caregiver and the dog. However, fostering a dog does not guarantee that the Foster Caregiver will be allowed to adopt the dog.
Animal Name: _______________________________________
Male: ________ Neutered? Yes No
Female: ________ Spayed? Yes No
Description (color, special markings, etc.):
Microchip number: ____________
2. Foster Caregiver agrees to let UBS inspect Foster Caregiver's premises where the animal is being kept at any time to ascertain and satisfy itself or the animal's owner that the animal is well cared for. Foster Caregiver agrees to keep a collar and identification tag on the animal at all times.
3. Foster Caregiver agrees not to alter in any way the appearance of the animal being fostered without written permission of UBS. This includes declawing and cropping of ears or tails.
4. Foster Caregiver agrees to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and kind treatment for said animal at all times. In addition, Foster Caregiver must adhere to all state and local animal laws. Foster Caregiver agrees to follow all additional written instructions from the owner and/or UBS.
5. Foster Caregiver agrees to notify UBS as to any behavioral or health problems of the
animal. UBS reserves the exclusive right to determine the proper course of action to
take upon such notification.
6. Foster Caregiver will notify UBS in the event any change occurs in the address or
telephone number listed below. Foster Caregiver understands and acknowledges that he/she does not have any right or authority to keep the foster animal or place foster animal in other homes or place with other individuals unless permission is given in writing by UBS.
7. Foster Caregiver is undertaking these obligations with no claim, now or in the future, to any type of compensation or reimbursement for caring for said animal, and the further
consideration for undertaking this obligation and caring for said animal is that Foster
Caregiver is receiving satisfaction and enjoyment from undertaking this obligation of his or her own free will and because he or she wants to do so and derives satisfaction from doing so. Any medical care for the dog must be approved by UBS in advance, unless it is an emergency and UBS cannot be reached. Medical care approved by UBS will be reimbursed or paid for by UBS, unless the Foster Caregiver wishes to make a donation to cover those costs. In either case, UBS will want records and receipts for all medical procedures.
8. Foster Caregiver agrees that accidental animal bites or other injuries to humans and other animals do occur, and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify, and protect UBS, from any claim or suit filed by anyone as a result of such an incident. In addition, UBS will not be responsible if animal should damage or destroy property belonging to Foster
Caregiver, or shall transfer any disease or internal or external parasites to other animals
belonging to Foster Caregiver.
9. If the owner does not reclaim the animal, and Foster Caregiver wishes to adopt said animal, Foster Caregiver must go through the UBS adoption program screening process. UBS reserves the right to determine final disposition of the animal.
10. This Agreement is the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no oral promises or representations made in addition to this contract and it may only be changed in a writing signed by both UBS and Foster Caregiver.
__________________________ x__________________________
UBS Foster Caregiver
__________________________ x__________________________
UBS Representative
__________________________ __________________________
Address City, State, Zip Code
__________________________ _________________________
Phone Number Date